Menopause : The Things That Women Don’t Talk About

Menopause : The Things That Women Don’t Talk About

I almost wanted to kill this article.  There was an uneasiness in me as I questioned if a personal and intimate topic like Menopause has a place in LinkedIn, a business and employment-focused social media platform.  Sharing this article makes me feel like I’m going into a fine dining restaurant…
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Crossroads, Analysis Paralysis & Regret

Crossroads, Analysis Paralysis & Regret

Back in 2016, I visited Tokyo and was told that I had to experience crossing the famous Shibuya Crossing.  According to online statistics, an estimated 1,000 – 2,500 people forge their way across the intersection every two minutes, making Shibuya Crossing the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing. It was an amazing…
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Study Hard and Everything Else Will “Fall In Place”. Really?

Study Hard and Everything Else Will “Fall In Place”. Really?

A few years back during class, one of my students — a 9-year-old child, picked up the water bottle she had left behind in the centre from her last lesson about a week ago.  She was about to drink from it when I stopped her.  I was worried that the…
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3 things to know before you quit your corporate job: The reality of managing work and family

3 things to know before you quit your corporate job: The reality of managing work and family

Work-Life-Balance. The holy grail that many (especially working mothers) wish to seek but are unsure of how to. I started my own search some 17 years ago, when I realized that I was spending a disproportionately more time with my bosses and colleagues than with my children. That was a…
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Finding Seasonal Shifts Within

Finding Seasonal Shifts Within

Living in a tropical country where the four distinct seasons are replaced by a perpetual summer means I don’t feel as strongly the ebb and flow of life brought about by nature. The leaves here do not all morph into a symphony of rustic oranges and golden yellows to remind…
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A Letter to My Client L (and all women on a journey of change)

A Letter to My Client L (and all women on a journey of change)

Hi beautiful, I bet you didn’t know how hard I tried to chain my own emotions as you were sharing your frustrations, tears and that deep sense of being worthless. What I didn’t reveal too is that I know this journey of change so well (too well!), because I went…
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Crack the Procrastination Code

Crack the Procrastination Code

Do you find yourself constantly procrastinating on important tasks? Well, you are definitely not alone. I am a big procrastinator myself. We all know that nagging feeling when those lingering tasks on our to-do lists keep haunting us. It is not exactly pleasant, is it? So then why do we…
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Embracing The Awkward Beauty of Midlife

Embracing The Awkward Beauty of Midlife

Life is a tapestry woven with captivating chapters, and one of the most intriguing and transformative stages is midlife for women. It is a time when we embark on a voyage of self-discovery, navigating the unpredictable waves of change — both within ourselves and in the world around us. Amidst…
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Finding Your Identity and Life Purpose as a Midlife Working Mother

Finding Your Identity and Life Purpose as a Midlife Working Mother

As a midlife working mother, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and lost in the busyness of life. With so many responsibilities and obligations, it can be difficult to find the time to reflect on what really matters to us and to explore our own identity and life purpose….
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The Bowl With A Crack

The Bowl With A Crack

I was drying and putting away the plates and bowls used at dinner when I saw a big crack in the glass bowl. A long crack right across the bottom of the bowl, made obvious as the bowl is transparent. My first instinct was to throw it away. The bowl…
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How To Relax Fast

How To Relax Fast

Why should you learn how to relax fast? Because stress is more than just unpleasant. It's also dangerous. Many diseases are now known to be caused by or made worse by stress, but you can do something about it. Just try these relaxation techniques today, and use them whenever you…
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3 Powerful Tips to Help Manage Everyday Stress

3 Powerful Tips to Help Manage Everyday Stress

Oftentimes stress will manifest when we carry over yesterday’s concerns into our present day concerns. An accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress level. Therefore, we must be able to “dump” all of our concerns from the previous day or days and concentrate wholly on our today….
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Guilt over CupCakes (and no, it’s not about calories)

Guilt over CupCakes (and no, it’s not about calories)

I came home from work and found lovely cupcakes sitting on a plate on the dining counter top. Cupcakes! I love cupcakes! Although they don’t do well for my waistline which has been forever expanding after I became a Mum… The home-made cupcakes are courtesy of my eldest, who has…
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What Is Coaching? Is It For You?

What Is Coaching? Is It For You?

Coaching has become a buzz word these days. Companies are engaging coaches to help their staff strengthen work performances. Managers and HR professionals double up as coaches to help build stronger teams within the corporations. Individuals engage coaches to help them work through their life issues. There are all types…
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Today, I came across the word “Fear” twice. At a seminar, an experienced instructor shared her encounter with a new opportunity many years ago when she just started the business and was inexperienced. Many questions came to her mind: “What if I can’t do a good job?”“What if I fail?”“What…
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